
Burnt twigs

When this whole thing started I was a name, now there's a definition and a reason.
The more I expect the harder things are.

Jesus and the sharp electric star.
                  (Anthony Green)



Roundness and squares...
But who did you expect to emerge from an institution thus.

Pegs and not fitting...
Is it a suprise that we don't all replicate the mould

Aghast that sucess is not only repetition
Those who don't repeat are not necessarily adrift upon perilous currents

Lost to the constructs of man
Built outside of our theoretical cathedrals


A Rest Is All You Need

I feel as i did when i was seventeen and the sun shone through the bedroom window and onto my skin.

Bronzed rays toasted the fine down on my arms as i gazed out the panes of glass and surveyed the view from my tower. A coast, beach yellow - some red licks of earth intermingled with scalding sand, water blue -some green and a underlying darkness, no doubt a contribution to the beauty from the fleets of titchy fishing boats (sail powered and innocent) and the interloping posturing yachts (oil, more petrol than a family saloon for a week, and where does it go? That darkness?) from other cities, here for the quaint old town and overprices prawns.

A languid air whispered through the palm tree fronds, twirling coquettish fingertips as the salted air from the salted sea picked up. Another storm brewing out in the great fearless depths of that mildly mannered puddle.



The struggles of having a quantum soul.
Both here and not, there and isn't.

Split atoms hold nothing to my split heart.

Favorites and Nothings listed to keep them here. Right Here.

Shake to the beat of your own heart- splintering into shards, each destined for a whole new dimension.

Particles of shredded universes and ribbons of time.

Minor thoughts.


You know...
not just people like you
...as if you were a model
for others to be made in your image.

But YOU.

The sum of your parts creates a something which i desire.

It is true we need the familiar.
Yet crave the different.


Earth Magnet

you've heard of that thing where the magnetic poles flip sometimes? that catastrophe waiting millenia to occur. biding time then POW. our world will invert and all things topple.

birds will get confused and fly into each other, perhaps. or bugs will stop doing things we take for granted and then we will expire.


however whatever shall occur...it already happened. just now in my chest. a quick flip.

invert - upside down - somersault without a landing

my heart it was. that magnet extraordinaire, that yearned for peace but found its polar opposite.

But i love you.

You're stone and a river. And fire.

You're so much harder than me.

A post of sincerity / a slab of pulsing marble

God you're deep and miraculous as a crystal
shining fiercely in the cold dawn light


Tinged with Blue


Albert Finney being sexy
Alex Soth

Filippa Barkman

Hieronymus Bosch


Three things made tonight

A delicious melding of abstracts and circumstance lead me to pick up a shoddy plastic paint brush and get messy with some shoddy plastic paints as the last night of the weekend drew in to its finale.

Three things made it happen.

Firstly- the soundtrack.

Not for all i do warn.

Secondly - Time is a Bitch and Girls will die as women. Alternatively summarised as Daymn Francis Bean is Hawtt

*Hedi Slimane (of course)

Thirdly was the access to the paints i suppose... but none the less resultant in the first splatter of non-ink i have perpetrated recently.

My aversion to non-ink or lead has been washed away in shoddy water. Maybe it's the challenge of inappropriate materials and layering technique that ignited me this evening, but when a certain speckle of orange tinged the lips just so i almost yelled out as when the breakdown crashes from this ridiculous band.

Remember joy. It's there, just waiting to be noticed in the most fundamental of things.



My mind would latch on to someone like you

Strong Gentle Sweet & True

My hearts a-dither. What to do.

When my mind's in love
With someone


I wish there was something so simple as an off switch

To stop me still and calm
to make my decisions 
and put me back
together again

My soul did run, flee me.
I don't know where it is
I do know that i hate this.

But have not the strength to pull
together my missing parts.
Stand and turn to face my inside
do battle against my fear of myself

I hate people looking at me.
I hate my voice, my physick
my greedy selfish desire and
my hesitant quiet facade

Who am i and why did i do those things

My secret is strangling me everyday.

A serpent would be biblical
but not so dramatic am i
or less do i believe.

Always for someone else.
Always aping something else.

Struggling to carry my worldly wares
yet fallen and scrambling to
obtain yet more
                      that i cannot carry.


I love only with wincing eyes

De Montaigne asks for a silence in self.
Your aim shall be to live with yourself,
that inner sanctum where your own company soothes you.
You speak and will be heard.
You listen and pay attention.

Nurture yourself lest you depend on life.
That entire outside world of artifact.



I have to catch up with my self. In retrospect there are words and there are ink splashes on paper to be shared and cataloged. For posterity or for peace of mind. Either or the upload button needs to be pressed and pressed again. An image once captured will be freed unto this tempestuous terrible freeworld. No rules, no saving what is mine once the data is released. Stealing sharing is a way of life in this place. But is do i have enough to share. This page this digital page is mine and for my own. Don't steal from me i pray.

Dawn and Decay